Showing posts with label Native American Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Native American Humor. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2012

AAA—Awesome Acronyms Again Quiz

This quiz is a little trickier than the last one because if you're an overprotected Caucasian nerd you might not know what an OG is, whereas if you're an inner city hood rat you might get stumped on OCD. But it's not a BFD because it's not going to get you any credits nor will this POS improve your SAT scores. Note: I have thrown in a trick question, and a few really stupid joke questions too. So let's get started shall we?

TTYL stands for:
a. That Thing You Licked
b. Tickle Till You Leak
c. Talk To You Later
d. Take That You Liar

CEO stands for:
a. Case of Extreme Overpayment
b. Criminal Extortion Official
c. Chief Executive Officer
d. Check Every Orifice

ADD stands for:
a. Attention Deficit Disorder
d…I mean…c? no b. …um…what was it again?
Oh yeah, ADD! is uh, …oh wait…

RSVP stands for:
a. Répondez S’il Vous Plaît,
b. Reply Sounding Vaguely Polite
c. Reach Some Verdict Please
d. Really Slow Vaginal Penetration

ACDC stands for:
a. Amalgamated Consolidations Development Corp. 
b. Alternating Current Direct Current
c. Angel’s Current Devil’s Current
d. Assorted Cold Dead Corpses

CNN stands for:
a. Chuck Norris Nude
b. Certainly Not News
c. Corporate Neo-Nazis
d. Cable News Network

HBO stands for:

a. Horrific Body Odor
b. Home Box Office
c. Honest But Offensive
d. Honey Bunches of Ofal

TMJ stands for:
a. Too Much Jabber
b. Tin Man Jaw
c. Tempora Mandibular Joint
d. Touch My Junk

IUD stands for:
a. Infant Ugliness Determiner
b. Intra-Uterine Device
c. Interceptor of Unwanted Dick
d. It’s Up Dere

SST stands for:
a. Super Sonic Transport
b. Speed Sounds Terrible
c. Sub Standard Travel
d. Short Sweet Trip

BLT stands for:
a. Big Like Tree
b. BI-Lateral Thinking
c. Banana, Licorice, and Tuna
d. Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato

LCD stands for:
a. Little Colored Dots
b. Last Call for Drinks.
c. Letter Changing Dealy
d. Liquid Crystal Display

LDS stands for:
a. Little Dick Syndrome
b. Lap Dog Surprise
c. Lick Don’t Suck
d. Latter Day Saints

MIME stands for:
a. Moron In Make-up Emoting
b. Meat In My Ears
c. Marceau Is My Enemy
d. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

FAQ stands for:
a. Frequently Asked Questions
b. Famous Animal Quotes
c. Fears And Queers
d. Find Answers Quick

MRI stands for:
a. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
b. Magically Recorded Innards
c. My Rectum Itches
d. Must Read Instructions

DMV stands for:
a. Dismal Mind-numbing Vacuum
b. Darn My Vagina
c. Department of Motor Vehicles
d. DIspense More Vaseline

ER stands for:
a. Extremity Repairs
b. Erotic Recipes
c. Emergency Room
d. Eeek! Run!

TMI stands for:
a. This Might Itch
b. Try My Inflatable
c. Too Much Information
d. Three Meesly Inches

AWOL stands for:
a. Any Where On Land
b. Away With Out Leave
c. Angry Wife’s Other Lover
d. Any Women On Line

OG stands for:
a. Original Gangster
b. Old Geezer
c. Organ Gripper
d. Orifice Guests

DOA stands for:
a. Drugs Or Alcohol
b. Died of Old Age
c. Don’t Operate Afterall
d. Dead On Arrival

GPS stands for
a. Girl in Passenger Seat
b. Global Positioning System
c. Go Pester Someone
d. Get Places Somehow

OCD stands for
a. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
a. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
a. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
a. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

MSM stands for:
b. Motion Sickness Museum
c. Mechanically Sodomized Meat.
d. Main Stream Media

REM stands for
a. Rolling Eyes Motion
b. Red Eye Moment
c. Raunchy Elephant Movement
d. Rapid Eye Movement

KFC stands for:
a. Klingon Funky Chicken
b. Kung Fu Chicken
c. Kentucky Fried Children
d. Knees Free Chicken

MPG stands for
a. Miles Played Good
b. Miles Per Gallon
c. Midnight Plane to Georgia
d. Muscles Per Grunt

Now I know what you're gonna say: "Did I pass?" Well in order to answer your question first tell me do you mean: pass gas, pass on your turn, pass out, or pass away? And my answer is I don't know, I doubt it, apparently not and definitely not.
NUMBSAIN stands for:
a. Nothing, Utter Mindless Bull Shit As In Nuts.
b. Nobody Understands Me But Sucking Ass Is Nice
c. Urination
d. Not Using My Brain Somehow Attains Inner Nirvana

Thursday, July 21, 2011

the real origin of native american casinos

Revenge of the Pawntikit

Many moons ago, across the great plains of what is now the Western United States, the proud Pawntikit tribe lived in harmony with nature, hunting, grazing, haggling and rummaging for sustenance. At new moon, the fields were planted and the young squaws, draped in thin diaphanous corn silk robes, danced the hokipoki to bring rain. As the rain fell, rendering their robes transparent, the young braves gathered around to watch with their totem poles standing tall. They encouraged the squaws by stuffing wampum beads into their skimpy corn silk loin cloths. We call it maize, you call it corn... the braves called it porn. Even Leering Wolf, Pawntikit Chief, was always present to oversee the dancing of the hokipoki and contribute a few wampum beads of his own. It was a resplendent time of abundance and fertility for the Pawntikit and neighboring tribes.

Until one fateful year, when the rain dance went too long, it brought torrential floods that ravaged the plains, devastating the crops and weakening these nobel but libidiously overzealous people both physically and spiritually to such a degree that, when the white-devil arrived, conquering them was as easy as taking pemmekin from a papoose. Thus was the demise of the once mighty warriors of the Papaweelee, Weebad, Kantuchdiss and the Pawntikit tribes. Until three brave and heavily-spirited souls had a vision of hope for the red man.

[Many Moons Later, Like, a lot of 'em, on some trashy reservation]
Leering Wolf Jr.: Fug this shit!

Loaded Bull:
No thanks, I'll pass.

Leering Wolf Jr.:
Brothers, I thought of a way to recover some of what has been taken from our people.

Thunder Bird: How?

Loaded Bull: Yeah, how Kimosabi?

Leering Wolf Jr.:
We'll never get anywhere weaving baskets and making clay trinkets, we need to create a place where pale-face will go and spend some real money.

Thunder Bird: A tanning salon?.

Loaded Bull: I guess it wouldn't make much sense to pimp off our women...

Thunder Bird: How about a pillage sale?...No, I'm fresh out.

Loaded Bull: Yeah, I haven't the vagueist...

Leering Wolf Jr.: That's it! Vegas! And what do they have in Vegas?

Thunder Bird: But what do we want with Tom Jones?

Leering Wolf Jr.: No, casinos! We build a gambling casino.

Thunder Bird: Ooh, gambling. Isn't that kind of risky?

Loaded Bull: You know the white devils are all morons, we just rig all the tables.

Thunder Bird: I don't know about that, we used every part of that buffalo and we never found any wings?

Leering Wolf Jr.: They made us reservations, now they'll need reservations.

Thunder Bird:
Seems like an odd way to get even, make a moron go to a casino.

Leering Wolf Jr.: That's it, we call it "CASINO MORON-GO" and we get some hot young squaws wearing tiny deerskin butt flaps to serve drinks ... Like these two right here...

Flashing Beaver: How, guys.

Lap Dancing: How goes it?

Leering Wolf Jr.:
How would you ladies like to get rich?

...And thus was the start of legal gambling casinos in California...

Casino Morongo! “It RE-pays to play!”