Thursday, February 16, 2012


Numbsain's Unwind has been steadily growing in popularity since I first started it back in August of 2011 and now I'm pleased to announce my blog is about to officially go ITCHY! (one of the stages before "viral," I believe "infectious" is next)

Yes, we're approaching 10,000 hits so keep visiting and if you are that lucky 10,000th visitor you'll win the grand prize! All the money this blog has earned since it started! Wow! I know what you're thinking: "that must be a lot, huh?" You wouldn't believe it if I told you. Tell all your friends, and your enemies too, I don't care. Just don't tell my ex!

As a tribute to nothing in particular here are some random things that some people might like, or hate.

 The contents of God's wallet      (like)
Running errands for your wife       (hate)
End of civilization as we know it       (Either way)
Optical illusions that hurt your eyes      (like)
Stupid autofagiac snakes       (hate)
Cockroach serving Mexican food and a horny blonde girl    (duh)

By Numbsain...He's easily amused, but he bathes...every week.