Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun Facts about the Vagina

1. Nine out of ten women own and operate their own vagina yet few actually have the pink slip.

2. A vagina is actually a fruit and not a vegetable.

3. No two vaginas are exactly alike and each has its own distinctive scent code by which it can be identified in a field of up to 10,000 vaginas. After 10,000 it all starts to smell like Coney Island.

4. Every vagina contains an entire community with thousands of species of flora and fauna in a tiny ecosystem so complete that it can withstand the devastating invasion of a penis and still maintain its social order and biochemical equilibrium.

5. Queefs are the vagina’s way of communicating with others of it’s kind, though modern science has yet to decipher the complex language it uses. Many still believe they are simply pussy farts.

6. There is no such thing as a bad vagina, just misunderstood or mishandled vaginas.

7. The word vagina is derived from “vague-ina” meaning “little vague thing”, due to the lack of understanding of this complex organ that was prevalent at the time the word was first invented some 4,000 years after the vagina was first discovered.

8. The vagina of a tuna fish smells distinctly like a human being, when canned and preserved in vegetable oil.
A rare occurrence of a birth defect known as "pubic eyes"
9.  Early recorded vaginal specimens were not unlike the modern vagina except they were much hairier and more pungent.

10  A vagina can survive for nine days without it’s head before it starves to death, whereas the penis becomes really annoying and grumpy after just 24 hours without head, and claims it will die after 32 hours.

11. The menstrual cycle of the vagina, though once believed to be a discarding of the lining of the uterus and egg, has recently been found to be the result of a periodic war between various bacterium which normally coexist peacefully in the vaginal ecosystem. At the peak of this internal conflict much bloodshed occurs causing menstrual bleeding.

12. The vagina contains 319 g-spots the majority of which lie dormant while only two, the one directly behind the clitoris, and the one at the top of the cervical opening induce pleasure when stimulated. The purpose of the other 317 g-spots is believed to be to inspire sexual partners to explore the vagina in an attempt to awaken their pleasure-giving capacity.

13. Vaginal moisture is the result of the vagina walls drooling in anticipation of being penetrated by a tasty penis.

14. the average vagina is approximately one centimeter shallower than the average penis is long. The purpose of this discrepancy is to prevent the woman from continually shouting “MORE! MORE!” during sex which is really exasperating when you’re already giving her everything you’ve got.

15. if you took all the vaginas on earth and laid them next to each other you'd die of exhaustion.

By Numbsain...VAGINA!! vaginavaginavaginavag- NUMBSAIN! BACK IN YOUR CAGE! ...vagina?